This a short bio for speeches connected with my work:
Clifford L. Fry ’67 is Associate Director of the Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A&M University. Dr. Fry, who joined the Institute in September 2013, assists with the administration and promotion of the Hagler Institute.
Prior to his current position, Dr. Fry supported numerous industry and private sector clients in economics and finance-related consulting for the past two decades as co-owner and Executive Vice President of RRC, Inc, a national economics consulting firm located in Bryan, TX. Dr. Fry graduated from Texas A&M with a bachelor’s in Economics in 1967, and he received his doctorate in economics in 1972 from Texas A&M. He began his academic career on the Washington State University faculty and served on the University of Houston faculty for 17 years. During his tenure with the University of Houston, he served as chairman of the Department of Finance in the College of Business Administration and also as Director of Academic Programs for the College of Business Administration. His research has been published in peer reviewed journals in Economics and Finance. Dr. Fry has also worked as a Financial Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and as Vice President and head of the U.S. Economics Division of Crocker National Bank in San Francisco. He also has served as a visiting faculty member in the Department of Economics at Texas A&M. He has devoted years of service to the International Rett Syndrome Foundation, as a board member, regional representative for Texas, and as chairman of the Family Empowerment Board of rettsyndrome.org.