Kevin Black, a Houston-based musician and older brother of Clint Black, had a daughter, Courtney. Courtney had the debilitating disorder, Rett Syndrome, and she died at 16 years old. Since that time, Kevin and Dave Clements, who also serves as Kevin’s manager, have raised money for Rett Syndrome research, donating the results of their fundraising to the U.S. based International Rett Syndrome Foundation.
Their biggest and latest project involves their books RAISING A HAND, volumes 1 and 2, available at Raising a Hand for Rett | Music Greats Supporting Rett Syndrome. They are available at https://raisingahand.com/
These A+ quality books are for sale for dirt-cheap prices because Dave and Kevin donate all their time and a good bit of money, as well.

The book contains wonderful photos. Dave and Kevin photograph artists in concert at the time they naturally raise a hand in their show, then they contact the artists later for permission to use their photos in a fund-raising book for Rett Syndrome. Every artist was glad to participate in this cause. In fact, Paul McCartney called David from England to personally give his permission for Dave’s photograph of him to be in Volume 1. The books are full of great photos and writings about the artists.
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